Monday, June 8, 2009

Impending doom, I mean parenthood- AARRRGGGGHHHH MATEY! Walk the plank!

In honor of my mom, who is flying to TX for the 3rd time this year, today (and let's be honest, it won't be the last time, she's fired up to be a grandma, and it's NOT cheap or convenient to get here)- an analogy. My mom lives for metaphors, says approximately 1 per waking minute and can not relate to humans who do not have this capacity. While I harass her for the incessant need to make an analogy out of ev-er-y-thing, truthfully, I love an apt metaphor as much as anyone else. They take intelligence/creativity to form, and when I read one that's spot on in a book, I have the urge to highlight it or fold the corner of the page down. I don't do it, but I have the urge. Anyway, so the metaphor I came up with in bed...

I feel as though I am walking the plank today, off the ship of my life, into the tumultuous and mysterious waters of parenthood beneath. I don't know how to swim. I am afraid I'll drown. I can't see the bottom, the water is murky, unlike pools, which I prefer to ocean (for cleanliness alone- clearly the sand and sound of waves are superior). I know that God, and prayer, and countless hosts of other parents will be lifeboats, life vests, lifeguards, you name it, for us... I'm grateful for that. But it doesn't take away my feeling of fright over the imminent and permanent change. I loved our boat, it was fun, adventurous and safe, not to mention all I've ever known- it has been a good ride the past 30 years. That all changes today. So pray for us as we walk the plank and jump into the unknown adventures that await us. We read Scripture in Claire's nursery and prayed for her and our family last night, we are ready to meet her. So here we go...


cara said...

praying for all three of you friend!

shannonandforrest said...

Come on in, the water is nice... and crazy... and oh so sweet =)

Case and Los said...

I'm sitting inches away from a little lady who is 20" long, makes soft sleeping noises, stares with intelligence though she probably can't yet focus, is softness, sweetnss and specialness personified, transports me to heaven when I hold her, has awesome parents, and has utterly transformed my life. Thank you, Casey and Carlos and God!

Case and Los said...

I might explain that the previous comment, written from the Cs' computer, was from Grammy. love, mama

Unknown said...

AHHHH! CONGRATULATIONS! I want to meet the adorable Claire and SEE you when you are next in Seattle! I miss you girl!

Unknown said...
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