Monday, February 11, 2008

Hablas Charades? (1st in a series of 18 S.A. blogs)

One week ago today we and the Flory’s were being dropped off at the airports (Seattle and San Francisco, respectively) by our loved ones. We had no idea what adventures lied ahead. We packed minimally, forged dutifully through the security gates, endured airplane food and stale air, while flying uneventful flights (the best kind, if you ask me) over night to Santiago, Chile’s capital. Fortuitously, we landed at the same time.

I have studied Spanish for 15 years of my life and was stoked to practice Wouldn’t you know, it only took me one minute interacting with a Customs Official to make my first of many translation mistakes thus far. When he asked Carlos his occupation, I heard vacation (like, are you here for vacaciones, not occupaciones?) so I told Los to say, “yeah, vacaciones,” to which the man gave us a quizzical look. Oops, though to be honest, I wouldn’t mind if our job was to take vacations☺ 15 years turn out not to be that helpful, thank God for the universal language of charades. That has been key for communicating.

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