Wednesday, May 14, 2008

What will they say about you?

Last week I went to the funeral of a woman I had never met. Her name was Carol, and she had been through a 10 year battle with cancer. I was kind of nervous to feel like I was 'intruding' on this piece of closure for her family and friends; but I really wanted to go, so I sat in the back and pretended I was invisible.

The tributes people gave to her life were so moving that I started crying. Her neighbor shared that her 5 year old daughter, upon hearing of Carol's death, declared she would "never be happy again." For a 5 year old to say that about anyone, let alone an elderly neighbor, is pretty amazing. Countless people stood up and testified to Carol's graciousness and hospitality. I was impressed that she, as a white woman, had been married to a black man for over 40 years; interracial marriage was rare in the 60's. She couldn't have her own kids, so she opened her home to many international students for conversation practice and hospitality. Two whole rows of Asian students sat there weeping quietly. Many of her co-workers and small group members shared accounts of her positive impact on them as well.

As I left, I felt so full of gratitude for this marvelous woman's life. The few hundred people there painted such a beautiful picture of her through their words. It made me think about what people would say about me when my time comes. If someone sat in the back and pretended they were invisible at my funeral, or at yours, what would they learn? What are our lives about? Who would come? What would people say, what choices are we making now that will translate into touching a person later? I wonder if we thought about this more now, and lived our lives accordingly, if we wouldn't be more generous, more gracious, more kind, and more apt to reach out and welcome others with the time we have.


mama said...

Beautiful comment. We wonder how we'll be remembered (Tom Sawyer staged his own funeral to find out), but we tend to neglect living quality lives which would contribute to our being remembered the way we hope to be remembered.

MamaLieder said...

I know it's super fun! How did you know I found you?

Case and Los said...

My statcounter tells me what city/country people are reading from, and connecting sites, so it showed me your website, so now I can see you guys!

The P's said...

I was crying just reading your beautiful and inspirational story. We need to treat others the way we wish to be treated. Thank you for writing so beautifully. You warm our hearts!