Sunday, March 30, 2008

Bucket List- last installment: Things to do before I kick the bucket

76. Sell, donate or give away everything we don’t really want in our home
77. Let everything in our home tell a story (e.g. we got these candelabras in Buenos Aires at the San Telmo Antiques Market)
78. Learn how to be more lavish (with self and others)
79. Ski black diamonds confidently
80. Build community with neighbors everywhere we move
81. Play card games (and other games) as a family
82. Use alternative gift markets at Christmas
83. Practice yoga and/or pilates regularly
84. Officiate weddings
85. Officiate funerals
86. Be as good of parents as the Cummins’ are to their girls
87. Try Zorbing
88. Go to Thai beaches and eat Thai food in Thailand
89. Learn how to dance with abandon (without feeling awkward)
90. Find the perfect haircut for my crazy curly hair
91. Memorize a book in the Bible (I’ve seen it done)
92. Go hiking and camping
93. Teach our kids to engage the culture and change the world
94. Learn about Judaism and Jewish Festivals
95. Know my geneology and have my family’s/Los’ family history written down
96. Get heirloom jewelry and china from people in our family
97. Do a polar bear plunge (just once)
98. Get a tattoo with Los (in solidarity with C and J)
99. Make good memories
100. Help others live fully while they’re alive and make friends with death, it is not the enemy, and it is not victorious.


Anonymous said...

Case- i think you should add "get stuck in Maui because big airline goes bankrupt and leaves you there for two and a half extra days" to your list. Because let me tell you, if it's gonna happen, Maui ain't a bad place to spend the extra days :)

Anonymous said...

You are an inspiration! I have mine started as we type! If I know you you'll be doing every single one you have listed!

A, E, e, a said...

I love some of these...the whole list, not just 76-100! It's fun to see some of these that I HAVE done, some that I would love, too, and some that just aren't "me"! It's great that God creates us to be different. =)