Thursday, March 6, 2008

Gas is Brains

A famous saying along Ruta Cuarenta (Route 40) is “gas is brains.” This is no joke; if you haven’t noticed from Joel’s photos by now, this place is not developed hardly at all. It is breathtakingly beautiful for a reason- it is raw nature! So all guide books say to fill up with gas every chance you get, since you JUST DON’T KNOW when you’ll come across gas again! We were smart and had our rental agency mark on our map every place there was a diesel fill up station. Some times it was as ghetto as this picture of a little hut; but beggars aren’t choosers, we were grateful! Getting gas that day was hilarious, Carlos had to go walking around their dirt-road ‘town’ to find the gas person, knocking on doors of multiple homes. That situation was classic in a way that makes me cringe.

One time we stopped at a station to find out they were “out” of gas until Saturday at the soonest- problematic since it was Tuesday! We tucked our tails between our legs and drove 100+ extra miles back to the last place we knew (or rather, hoped) there was gas. Fortuitously, it ended up not being a problem for us. However, friends we met from Chicago, Michael and Alicia were counting on there to be gas at that station; we never found out what happened to them… Hopefully they won’t show up on the side of a milk carton or in those things we get in junk mail some day as missing persons- they were nice.

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