Monday, March 31, 2008

(Extraordinary) Rendition

This weekend we watched the movie Rendition. Wow. Great cast and acting, what a powerful and awful story. The wrenching documentary at the end in the bonus features alone make it worth the rental fee. I know Hollywood can sensationalize things, but still. Intense.
On nights like these I curl up next my love, grateful that he is home, safe and in one piece; unscathed, at least physically, from the war. I loved Reese Witherspoon’s performance and can’t imagine what pain the family member’s of prisoners (of war) go through.
On nights like these I am also all too aware that Los can relate to Jake Gyllenhaal’s character, and I want to get out of the military asap and do something stress-free, like open an organic bakery. Instead of life and death and intelligence and torture and right and wrong kind of matters- we can fret about blueberry season and flaxseed and so forth. Sounds good and peaceful to me.

1 comment:

hootenannie said...

Consider it "added to my Netflix queue." :)

Big hug coming your way on Sunday!!!