Monday, March 24, 2008

Embracing The Anglophile Within

I am a sun-craving, flip-flop fanatic Californian at heart, but recently I’ve noticed myself becoming obsessed with all things British. In June we are going to London and Wimbledon, en route to Greece and Turkey, woo hoo! But I haven’t been to the UK yet, so this obsession is a little ironic. Los’ grandma is British, and when we were hanging out with her in D.C. we had the best time. After we said goodbye to her, we confessed our mutual crush on her vocabulary, and have greeted each other with a faux-brit accent ever since, “hello love!”
We have incorporated her words, as well as some from Charlie and Desmond (brotha) on Lost. I know technically they are Irish and Scottish and not big fans of being lumped in with the English, but I haven’t figured out how to be PC about all that yet.
So here’s my ever-growing blanket list of things I heart about our neighbors across the pond:
Sports: I love how they appreciate soccer, the real football, unlike Americans.
Drink: I love having tea every day, I wish it were a cultural thing over here too.
Men’s Fashion: I am a sucker for the sharp jeans and coat jacket and scarf. Incidentally, this is what Los was wearing the day he proposed to me in France
Books: Since high school when I was introduced to the Bronte sisters, I’ve liked most things British, all the way up to today’s popular Emily Giffin book Something Blue.
Movies: Jane Austen films to the current Brits in Hollywood
Music: Sting to Coldplay, life-long staples.
Words: Even their swear words are cooler than ours, I remember my high school soccer coach used to always use them. Here are 10 fave British slang words.
Spot On

1 comment:

Kelsey said...

I'm so excited that you're going to Greece and Turkey! I am most likely going to be in Greece in June, so when you have plans figured out, let me know where you will be. I don't know mine exactly yet either...