Thursday, March 20, 2008

I Believe…

Another post in honor of Easter. I had to sit down for some people and I write what I believe. It's by no means comprehensive, but a good start. Have you ever thought in depth about what you do and don't believe re: God? It's kind of hard to articulate! Try it. I did with my college girls, and an interesting conversation ensued that we may never have had otherwise.
I believe in the trinitarian God, Father, son and Holy Spirit. I believe they exist in eternal community and created all that exists. I believe that God’s sovereign and sacrificial love enables humanity to be in right relationship with God. He promises a covenantal love to His people.

I believe that the free will we have, has been abused by poor stewardship, so only Christ, by grace, through his death and resurrection, can reconcile us to God. I believe that when we submit our will and desires, to be conformed to Christ’s likeness, the Holy Spirit works in us, to purge our sinful nature and build us into his disciples.

I believe we can commune with God through prayer and through gathering as the body of Christ, the church. We interact with God through the Bible given to us as His Word. When we read the words, hear the Word proclaimed, and pray the word, we mysteriously encounter Jesus, the Word of God.

When we respond with a sacramental life, we honor and grow nearer to God. Through sharing the ‘signs and seals’ of communion and baptism, we are incorporated into Christ’s death and life. We take in his body that was broken, then as a body we are broken and go out into the world as His ambassadors to share the good news of his grace to others.

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