Saturday, June 21, 2008

Ciao Bella

Tonight's our last night at home before heading across the pond to Europe once again. We've been cleaning the house and readying the garden for our departure. This means the fridge is empty- so pizza, beer and a movie it was... Always a good option. I was taking care of any number of our long list of to-do's before we leave, so Los went out to get the stuff and came back with the movie Bella. I hadn't heard of it, but it's the first feature length film from a new production company called Metanoia. That is a Biblical Greek word for repentance, changing your mind, turning and going another way... So I was curious about it. The main characters (including "Mexico's Brad Pitt") have a sweet friendship and we always love redemption themes. We both cried and appreciated the last scene. It was shot in NYC in 3 weeks, which is crazy; lots of potential, we look forward to what these guys do in the future. Let me know if you check it out.

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