Thursday, June 12, 2008

Close, but yet so far... gotta love all-nighters...

It's 12:30. In the morning. And I am 2000 words away from being done with my last Hebrew Exegesis paper ever. Which means two things: #1) I dominate Proverbs 31 and could write a book on it, or preach a sermon series at least. And #2) it's likely I won't be sleeping. But it's the last all-nighter I'll ever pull. I can almost hear the nostalgia being queued.

And sleep is overrated. At least that's what I'm going to tell myself. I can sleep on the plane to Cali. Or during my hair appt. But then my highlights may look weird.

It's a good thing I have an IV of espresso running through my veins, in spite of doctor's orders... I told the doctor, who is a psychiatrist, that the paper has the potential to make me certifiably insane otherwise; so the espresso is the lesser of two evils. True enough. I thought he, of all people, could appreciate that.

Obscure, yet interesting fact: My 1899 commentary on Proverbs titles the wisdom woman in Proverbs 31 "the ideal housewife." My 2005 commentary calls her "the woman of strength." Funny how phraseology changes in 100 years. She used to wear an apron and bake muffins. Now she's a boxing and pilates aficionado who runs a real estate business and wineries in her spare time. Hoo rah.

On other notes, if I had a dollar for every time this blog has been read; I could make up my $50,000 of tuition that's been forked over to Fuller lickity-split. REI should be paying me for the free advertisement.


shannonandforrest said...

I wish I had read this a few hours ago because I would have called you and cheered you on, what with the time difference and all. Judah woke up hungry at 3:15am your time =) Judah and I love you and are so proud of you!!!

Case and Los said...

Thanks Shan! I would've been awake and welcomed your call:) Can't wait to spend time with you soon...