Monday, April 7, 2008

Goal #25

Life resumed full speed and I've been too busy going to stop and write, quite a rude awakening after my glorious spring break of reading, writing, working out and relaxing. But it's all good stuff, no complaints. My two classes are looking awesome this quarter (OT exegesis and Pastoral Theology- only two left after that too! The light at the end of the tunnel is near!)

I decided instead of Earth Day (April 20) this year, all of April is going to be Earth Month. I want to write some blogs about stewardship related stuff... But I'm too busy right now, so I'll just say one little highlight, and then off to bed I go.

Having penned these 100 life goals is proving to be rewarding. Now I have something to stare at that instigates conversations and keeps me accountable to pursuing stuff that was only in my mind. One of Los' complaints to me (I know it may come as shocking that I am not perfect) is that he wishes I cooked more. What can I say, he's a natural, so I just let him do it. Not to mention, we have different philosophies regarding cleaning the kitchen as we cook- let's just say it's a cleaner home when he is in charge.

Hence goal #25. I am making some more effort, and am proud to say that in the past week, I have made:

Flax seed-cranberry-apricot muffins
Lemon-pepper squash
Portobella mushrooms
Onion roasted potatoes
Garlic-Parmesan chicken
Tortilla soup
4-bean salad
and a Cake

This is revolutionary for me. I usually don't make that many things in a month! Here's to change. Feel free to send me a recipe. Or to come over and give me another reason to hone my culinary skills.


Anonymous said...

mmmmmm, those all sound really good!

Anonymous said...

I'm jealous of all the great food you've been eating! We've been unpacking in our new house and I haven't done a proper grocery shop yet...We've been living on Mac & Cheese, spinach, and Lean Cuisines! Ick! I've gotta say, my fave meal to cook is chicken enchiladas with slow cooked pinto beans and tradition Mexican cornbread (with jalapenos cooked in). Yum. ;-)

Case and Los said...

HSL, how do you make your enchiladas? I've only done 'verde' ones and they weren't overwhelmingly awesome. p.s. I heart cornbread with jalapenos... You're a good Californian already!! If we move to so Cal, let's dine together!